2015 Summer Social

14 June, 2015

Join us for the 2015 Kitakyushu JALT summer social. This year, we'll be enjoying the tabehodai/nomihodai (all-you-can eat and drink) service at the Rihga Royal Hotel Beer Hall, July 7, from 5:30 pm (closing time is 9:00 pm). The cost is ¥5,000 (¥1,000 for children up to Junior High School age), and includes a wide range of food and drinks with no time limit. All welcome, JALT members and non-members alike.

We'll be meeting in front of the hotel a little before 5:30 pm on the day.

More information on the beer hall is available here (in Japanese): http://www.rihga.co.jp/kokura/event/detail/beerhall2015.html or us for information.

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