Introduction to Kitakyushu JALT

What is JALT?

JALT stands for The Japan Association for Language Teaching, a professional organisation dedicated to the improvement of language learning and teaching in Japan. It functions as a vehicle for the exchange of ideas and techniques, and a means of keeping abreast of new developments in this rapidly changing field.

Currently JALT has over 30 chapters with nearly 3,000 members located throughout Japan. In addition to local activities, an annual conference is held every year. Members also receive a bi-monthly publication, The Language Teacher (also available online) featuring articles and information relating to language learning and teaching. The JALT Journal is also published annually containing both practical and theoretical articles and research reports. If you are interested in joining JALT, you can find out everything you need on our joining page. However, while we hope you will join us, you don't need to be a member to attend any of our events below.

Kitakyushu JALT - Our Local Chapter

The local Kitakyushu Chapter, while not so big, has already proven itself to be one of the most active in the country. We hold monthly meetings, usually on the second Saturday of every month.

Our events are held in or near Kokura, but check our venue map for details. Attendance for JALT members is free, and non-members pay a mere ¥1,000 for a one-day membership.

Most meetings feature a guest speaker, who will present on a topic relevant to language teaching. Past meetings have covered a wide range of topics, from language games to brain science and SLA. Intense discussion invariably follows!

If you would like more information on our meetings, and are unable to obtain your answers on this web-page, please don't hesitate to contact one of the committee below.

Mailing List and Publicity

To receive information about our meetings and other occasional news, you can join our Google Groups mailing list (contact us if you don't have a Google account but would like to be added). You can also find us on Facebook.

Contact and Committee

If you wish to contact any of the committee members please contact us and we'll pass the message on to the relevant officer(s). Or come to one of our meetings where you should find most of us.

  • President - Paul Collett
  • Membership Chair - Charlie Bell
  • Co-Programme Chairs - Malcolm Swanson; Andrew Zitzmann
  • Publicity Chair - Brittany Roa
  • Recording Secretary - Markus Yong
  • Treasurer - Greg Holloway
  • Internet Services - Paul Collett