FAB3: First Annual Brain Days (International Three Day TEFL Certification Event)

11 March, 2012

The organizing committee of FAB3 invites interested teachers/researchers to submit presentation proposals for the FAB3 Conference, which will be held on July 14 ‐ 16th, 2012 in Kitakyushu (Saturday, Sunday, and Monday ‐a three day weekend in Japan).

How can Neuroscience, Psychology, and English Language Teaching (ELT) inform each other for the benefit of students and teachers? This question is at the core of our FAB events. We are asking teachers/researchers to connect at least two out of the three (Neuroscience, Psychology, and ELT) areas and choose the best format for their presentation. Formats are: Poster session, Pecha Kucha, 20 min., and 50 min.

Featured Speakers include Curtis Kelly, Marc Helgesen, Tim Murphey, and Robert S. Murphy.

TEFL certification is available as an option (additional work required for full certification). Participation certificates will be available upon request.

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