Kitakyushu JALT 2015 Officer Election Report

25 November, 2015

Elections for our chapter officers were held online during November 2015. The following person(s) and position(s) were voted in by a total of 26 chapter members.

All officers both returning and new received 26 votes

  • President: Zachary Robertson ( Returning ) 26 votes
  • Membership Chair: Markus Yong ( New ) 26 votes
  • Program Chair: Michael Berg ( Returning ) 26 votes
  • Publicity Chair: Jason McDonald ( Returning ) 26 votes
  • Recording Secretary: Jamar Miller ( Returning ) 26 votes
  • Treasurer: Andrew Quentin ( New ) 26 votes
  • Internet Services Manager: Paul Collett ( Returning ) 26 votes

Kitakyushu JALT would like to thank all members for voting and for the new and incoming officers for filling the positions for another year.

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