26 November, 2011 - Andy Boon

Here we are, now motivate us: Strategies for generating student motivation
Andy Boon

  • Andy Boon started by defining motivation and then got us into groups to brainstorm and pool ideas about why Japanese learners may not be motivated to study English, which he then commented and expanded upon. He showed us Maslow's hierarchal diagram of student needs, followed by Dornyei's motivational teaching practice model, to introduce some of his ideas for animating classes under the following headings: Breaking the ice, Nurturing group cohesion, Creative use of classroom space, Making it relevant, Novel uses of traditional ideas, Creative use of classroom materials and Encouraging self-reflection. After this abundance of techniques and ideas for drawing students into interested participation in their language learning, Boon asked us to share techniques we had seen or used to generate and maintain motivation and then encourage positive retrospective self-evaluation.
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