11 May, 2013 - Rob Waring

Online Reading and Vocabulary Environments – present and future
Rob Waring
Waring organized his presentation into three parts. In part one, he reviewed the current online reading environment, first noting how common reading online has become across many markets, while pointing out the plus and minus features of reading online. EFL learners, for example, often do not know enough high frequency words, and the online texts can be difficult to understand. One solution is graded readers, which are becoming more available online. These however, pose problems such as the cost involved for the user, as well as lack of adaptability to the learner.
In part two, Waring focused on online vocabulary learning. After reviewing concepts important to language learning, such as the form-meaning relationship of words and the deeper meaning of words, he brought the Kitakyushu JALT attendees through different web sites devoted to different aspects of vocabulary learning. Again, good points as well as deficiencies were pointed out.
Waring offered his solution in part three. It is a non-profit web site that he is creating with Charlie Brown. The site addresses all the issues explained in the presentation. It is helpful for writers of extensive reading texts, or for anyone creating texts for use in classes. On the site, there are texts, leveled according to ER Foundation levels, and vocabulary learning and practice sections. One main point is the adaptability that this site provides. The content is free. Teachers as well as students will have wealth of information available for learning, teaching and research. Waring concluded his presentation by encouraging submission of texts to the site.
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