13 May, 2017 - Todd Jay Leonard

Helpful Hints on How to Get Published in the EFL Market in Japan: Making your Proposal Count--Four Industry Perspectives...the Publisher, Editor, Salesperson, and Author
Todd Jay Leonard
In his presentation, Todd discussed the realities of publishing language learning material in the Japanese market, arguing that in order to successfully establish a publishing career in Japan one must remain aware of the needs and goals of publishers, editors, and sales representatives of publishing companies. The business realities are often not on the minds of potential authors when developing educational materials, but authors need to be willing to listen to publishers and editors throughout the publishing process, as these individuals are often considering many other market factors of which educators may not have full or sufficient knowledge. Todd also offered his advice in regards to the textbook material iteself, including making sure to carefully increase the difficulty as the textbook progresses, keeping the content length manageable, maintaining a consistent interface, and mastering the art of developing content that can be applied to a variety of educational contexts.
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