13 April, 2019 - Stephen Case, Hudson Murrell

Anxiety and Student Perceptions of Fairness During Collaborative Testing
Stephen Case, Hudson Murrell
Mr. Case and Mr. Murrell gave a presentation on Saturday April 13, discussing how anxiety affects the perceptions of tasks and how this impacts collaborative testing. Collaborative testing features two students in a test situation where the two students are required to perform specific tasks while being observed by the test giver. They talked about how there has not been much research into collaborative testing and that their preliminary findings are promising. Students who are slightly more anxious about testing situations reported that they found collaborative testing to be very helpful while students who were very confident tended to dislike collaborative testing as they felt that their partners were not helpful.
In order to reduce stress in collaborative testing situations, they proposed that students should practice repeatedly with a wide variety of partners in order to gain familiarity with the process.
The presentation lasted from 7 pm to 9 pm and there were 8 in attendance.
Link to meeting listing

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