11 September, 2021 - Namiko Tsuruta

Promoting Sustainable Education: A Cross-Cultural Hybrid Framework for Japanese and Nepalese Younger Learners
Namiko Tsuruta
In this presentation Namiko described how she is harnessing the power of the internet to create an ongoing cultural and language exchange between students in Nepal and Japan.
Namiko works at a consultancy called Global Language Institute (GLI) whose goal is the promotion of sustainable learning and education of students around the world.
In order to do this she works on various projects, one of which is the Japan Nepal project. The project is basically a means for students in Nepal to have ongoing interactions with those in Japan through the maintenance of a shared online server (GLISS).
GLI facilitates these interactions by maintaining the server, ensuring student privacy, consulting with officials and gaining permission from the schools.
In a nutshell the project promotes sustainable learning by helping students in Japan and Nepal exchange ideas on how to solve problems related to sustainable development goals (SDG). For example in Japan, students might be given practical SDG problems to solve such as how everyone can get clean water, reliable electricity or take action to combat climate change. The students then have to research how to solve their problem and will then need to present their findings at the end of the school year. Throughout the project, students will be exposed to task-based English language learning activities and then will use their new language skills to interview students in Nepal via the GLISS. As well as students, teachers should also share information over the one year life of the project.
At the time of her presentation, the GLISS had yet to go live online and students had been using only the offline version. Once it does go online, Namiko mentioned that she hopes that the GLISS can be a place for everyone to build fun, authentic and creative activities together.

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