Money 101: Personal Finance, Investing, and Retirement for Residents of Japan

Ben Shearon
9 September, 2017 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Many teachers in Japan would like to get their finances in order, but aren’t quite sure where to start. This exposes them to three big potential dangers: not doing anything, doing the wrong thing, and being taken advantage of by ‘advisors’ or financial institutions. This workshop will cover basic aspects of personal finance and investing, as well as specific rules, products, and investing strategies for Japan.
Ben Shearon is an English teacher based in Sendai, Japan. He is passionate about extensive reading and personal finance. Ben runs the teaching blog and the personal finance site
Please note that the meeting will be starting at 7:00 PM and running until 9:00 PM. We are also in a new location for this meeting, we will be in Nishikokura, please see the location page for access details.

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