Grounded Theory in Applied Linguistics Research: Attractive Nuisance or Helpful Guide?

Gregory Hadley
10 February, 2018 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Although widely-used throughout the social sciences today, the Grounded Theory methodology (GTM) has been frequently misused by researchers in Applied Linguistics and related fields, leading some to question its suitability. This presentation dispels some common misconceptions about GTM, and explains the procedures, purposes, relative strengths, and unique weaknesses of the methodology. Resources and dispositions vital for successful research completion will be discussed. When used in an appropriate and informed manner, GTM can support research, and stimulate new insights related to human discourse and social interaction.
Gregory Hadley is Professor of Applied Linguistics and Western Cultural Studies at Niigata University, Japan. A Visiting Fellow at Kellogg College, University of Oxford, his most recent books are English for Academic Purposes in Neoliberal Universities: A Critical Grounded Theory (Springer, 2015) and Grounded Theory in Applied Linguistics Research: A Practical Guide (Routledge, 2017).

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