Ways to Ensure Your Students Are Actively Engaged When Reading in Class

Amanda Gillis-Furutaka
10 March, 2018 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Drawing on recent research in neuroscience, the presenter will demonstrate a variety of activities that can encourage even reluctant readers to take an active part in a reading lesson. The activities can be used with a variety of reading text types (class textbooks, graded readers, magazine and newspaper articles, short stories, song lyrics, the students’ own writing), and require the students to discuss, write, draw, act, and use their imaginations at full stretch. The presenter will introduce some guiding principles and examples and then let the participants work on activities that suit their own professional development needs.
近年の神経科学の研究を活かし、リーディングが苦手な学習者でも、リーディングの授業に積極的に関われるようなアクティビティーを紹介します。 アクティビティーでは、教科書、段階別読本、雑誌、新聞記事、短い物語、歌の歌詞、学習者が書いた文章など、様々なタイプの読み物を使い、学習者たちは想像力を最大限に使って、ディスカッションしたり、書いたり、絵を描いたり、演じたりします。その指針と実際の例を紹介し、参加者にはそれぞれの専門分野に添ったアクティビティーに取り組んでいただきます。
A professor in the Faculty of Foreign Studies at Kyoto Sangyo University, Amanda has been teaching in Japan since 1988. Her research interests include neuroscience and language learning, reading, bilingualism, gender studies, media and culture studies and she has recently completed a PhD on YouTube and Western music videos.

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