The Blended Classroom - Taking Learning Online

Paul Collett; Malcolm Swanson
16 March, 2019 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

In this presentation, options for moving parts of a language course online will be demonstrated and discussed. Positive outcomes as well as possible pitfalls will be addressed. Both presenters have had extensive experience working with online learning resources and systems.

Using Google Classroom - Paul Collett

Google Classroom is an open platform cloud-based system developed by Alphabet Inc. for setting up assignments and other question types, as well as sharing information with students. It offers the class instructor a convenient platform to create a variety of assignments, questions, or other learning materials. These can easily be accessed and answered inside or outside of class, while a straightforward mechanism for providing feedback on student work allows both the instructor and learners to keep track of learning progress. After a brief introduction to the system, I will look at how it has been integrated into my university-level language classes, and consider other possibilities for use. Feedback from students and other instructors who have been using the system will also be presented.

Using Moodle - Malcolm Swanson

Moodle is another course management system, though this one is open source software that needs to be installed on a domain. It has many of Google Classroom’s features, and a lot more besides. In this part of the presentation, I will detail these similarities, differences, and a few of the advantages, plus show how I have used it as the backbone of our e-learning courses at Seinan Jo Gakuin University. I will also show how it can be used to create self-access style courses with steps that can only be accessed once prior content has been mastered. Finally we will look at the reporting and assessment tools built into the system, plus look briefly at how we have integrated MoodleReader into our Extensive Reading courses.

Paul Collett teaches at Shimonoseki City University, and helps run the ER programme at Seinan Jo Gakuin University. His interests are in teacher and learner psychology, and research methodology.
Malcolm Swanson teaches media-related studies at Seinan Jo Gakuin University and is interested in how technology can be used in language-learning classrooms.

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