8 November, 2014 - Various presenters

Lightning Presentation Night
Various presenters
In "The Japanese Languages", Michael Phillips went over the genetics of language/linguistics and the relationship of the Japonic language family, briefly going into the different language groups across the world and the debate of which groups are related or not, as well as touching on diglossia and how it applies to the topic.
Roderick van Huis told us about "Pronunciation Prediction for the Classroom", offering suggestions on how we can do spot treatment pronunciation in class with no preparation on things that suddenly pop up.
In Marcus Yong's "Game Design and Motivation" presentation, Marcus explained what makes games so addictive and how we can use those elements in our classroom. To further his point, he demonstrated how the free online game "CLASS CRAFT " can be used in classes.
In Stephen Case's presentation, "20 Websites for 20 Lessons", he went over some websites that were intended for education use and others not specifically intended for education use and how they could be applied to classrooms in unique ways.
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