Testing Times: Ensuring Success

Michael Phillips
11 June, 2011 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

This multifaceted presentation will begin with a brief theoretical review of the major types and functions of language assessments, as well as fundamental criteria and desirable properties of good tests. Practical advice regarding easy mistakes and critical things to avoid in constructing, mediating, and applying test items will also be given.
It will detour into the interesting field of automated scoring of speaking and writing tests (both English and Japanese) and examine the latest trends.
Participants will then be asked to consider (in small groups) some issues in applied testing such as: the role of L1 in examining L2; the role of translation techniques in oral tests; or considerations for raters when assessing test items. An open forum opportunity will also be given to teachers to discuss assessment issues relevant to their current teaching situation.
Michael Phillips graduated with an honours degree in environmental sciences. He came to Japan as part of the JET Programme in July 2001, and has since taught at kindergarten, primary, junior-high, high-school, junior college, community centres, eikaiwa, and business schools. He is currently completing a Masters of Education (TESOL), and enjoys the challenge of having to reflect on and apply knowledge directly.

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