Connecting Neuroscience with EFL in Japan/Asia

9 July, 2011 - 9:00am to 5:30pm

FAB1: Kitakyushu Conference
Connecting Neuroscience with EFL in Japan/Asia
A charity event for the Tohoku children
Plenary Speakers:
Robert S. Murphy (Memory and Learning), Curtis Kelly (Neuroplasticity of the Brain), Marc Helgesen (The Science of Happiness), Tim Murphey (The Brain on Agency). Local presenters too!
First Annual Brain Day (FAB1) is like no other conference that you have been to. The whole day is designed as a single coherent package. What you learn in the first session will connect and compound with every other session at the FAB conference! We believe in active learning -so be prepared to focus on the content and speak up during the Power Sessions. By the end of the conference, you will have a notebook full of take home activities and a brain full of new ideas and inspiration for your classrooms! (Visit for details)
Plenary presenters will donate their honorariums directly to children's charities of the Tohoku disaster. All FAB1 proceeds after costs will also be donated to charity.

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