Behavior Management

Matthew Jenkins
12 March, 2011 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Undoubtedly the best way to engage students is to get them to enjoy themselves. However, despite all efforts, at all levels of education, there are times when some student plays up, messes with a cell phone, or overdosed on karaoke the night before and is sleepy in class. As teachers, how should we deal with such situations?
Matthew Jenkins will briefly discuss current theories to help teachers deal with inappropriate behavior. He will then elaborate on his own techniques at a university and a high school, and lead into a discussion of how others in the group deal with behavior in their own contexts.
Matthew Jenkins has an MA in applied linguistics, a business degree, and is currently completing his second MA in Teaching. He has taught at university, and currently teaches junior high school and elementary school children in the Kitakyushu area. He has more than ten years teaching experience. His hobbies include surfing, camping, martial arts, and travel.

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