My Share - Ideas That Work

9 November, 2019 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

We all have ideas that help make our classes better for us and our students. Come and hear about some activities and approaches that our members have found useful in their teaching.

Charlie Bell will discuss the preliminary results of a recent research project involving conversation modelling videos, and the implications these results might have for English communication teachers.
Paul Collett (Shimonoseki City University) will give a short overview of the Flipgrid video discussion platform.
Malcolm Swanson (Seinan Jo Gakuin University) will demonstrate Plickers - a free, interactive tool that uses printable 'paper clickers' instead of clicker devices. If time permits, we'll take a quick look at Mentimeter too, so get your smartphones ready.
Markus Yong will talk about his approach to using table-top role playing games with younger learners.
Andrew Zitzmann (Seinan Jo Gakuin University) will present some activities he came across at JALT's international conference in Nagoya.

Time permitting, the remainder of the session will be open for other attendees to share their ideas.

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