A Call To Apps: Current Best Practices in Digital Pedagogy

Rab Paterson
19 January, 2020 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm

This session will cover a range of current best practices in digital pedagogy, with practical examples drawn from a number of pedagogical approaches to learning and related apps. These will all be demonstrated with examples from the presenter's own classes, showing how a range of apps can be combined in an app-smashing way to maximise educational benefits. However, this session will not just be a typical 'how to use apps' type workshop. The benefits to students in terms of their improved mind-brain learning as a rationale behind the adoption of these apps will also be covered, as will the motivational benefits for students that challenge / project-based learning brings. Everything will be demonstrated in an easily-understood way, making for a session applicable for educators no matter what the range of their edtech skills. After the initial overview and demonstration, the session will become more hands-on, with the presenter working directly with attendees to demonstrate how to set up and use the apps under discussion. The workshop will end with a more traditional Q and A session, although attendees are free to ask pertinent questions throughout the session.
Rab Paterson is Principal Instructor for the Toyo University-UCLA Extension Center for Global Education, Director of the Asia Association for Global Studies, Fellow of the British Royal Asiatic Society, Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, and a JALT TAC member and BizCom Officer. He’s also an Apple Distinguished Educator, Google Innovator, and Google Trainer and has given many edtech workshops and training sessions in academia and the corporate world as well as many conference presentations.

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