Labour Rights Education for Education Workers

Chris Flynn
8 February, 2020 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

For our February meeting, Chris Flynn, president of the Fukuoka General Union, will lead us through a discussion of Japanese Labour Rights, looking in particular at the Labour Standards Law, and Unlimited Term Contracts. There will also be time for questions. It is hoped that this adds to teachers' understanding of how different labour laws apply and what can be done to make sure your rights are protected.
Chris Flynn has an MA in Advanced Japanese Studies and is a professor at Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences. He is also a NAATI Accredited Professional Translator and Interpreter (Japanese/English). In his union role he has assisted a number of teachers with legal issues such as unfair dismissals and problems with working conditions. In his free time he plays rugby for the Meiwaku Rugby Club 60 and over division.

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