Game Based Learning

Stephen Case; Andrew Gallacher
19 June, 2021 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm

This presentation highlights the development and implementation of a content and language integrated learning (CLIL) curriculum designed to instruct would-be teachers on the principles of game based learning (GBL) within their English language classes. Reasons for teaching GBL to these students stemmed from a desire to provide them with something more than just a place to practice their English and to better prepare them for their future jobs as teachers.
The presentation will go through our thought process towards curriculum design, individual lessons plans, and English and game mechanics chosen to teach. We will present survey results on students opinions on the curriculum and course. Finally, we will showcase the games the students designed as part of course.
Stephen Case's interests include Task Based Learning and incorporating game design principles into good task design. He has published in books on creative writing and on lessons using short films in the classroom, as well as designing his own board and card games for language learning. He currently teaches at universities around Fukuoka.
Andrew Gallacher is a full-time lecturer at Kyushu Sangyo University. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Computer Science and a Master’s Degree of Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching. His research interests include: learner and teacher autonomy, computer assisted language learning (CALL), sociolinguistics, game based learning (GBL) and humor.
The presentation will be held online using Zoom. Please contact us for the link.

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