Projects for Teaching Critical Thinking Skills

Whitney Tudor Sarver; Tracy Koslowski
8 May, 2021 - 10:00am to 11:30am

This presentation includes a basic overview of what constitutes critical thinking, tips and resources for selecting projects for your course, and methods for implementing projects which encourage students to analyze, synthesize, and create while developing their understanding of language and culture. The presenters will include examples of projects they have used in their courses. These projects have been implemented in a university-level Intensive English Program, but the ideas are adaptable for students at other levels.

Tracy Koslowski is the associate director, and Whitney Sarver is the senior director, of the Intensive English Program at the University of Mississippi (UM), located in Oxford, MS, USA. Tracy holds two master's degrees (German and TESL) and is currently a doctoral candidate in Higher Education at UM. She has recently been selected by the US State Department for a prestigious English Language Specialist Project, and she will be focusing on integrating critical thinking into the English as a foreign language classroom. Whitney holds a master's degree in TESOL and a PhD in Composition & TESOL, and her research interests center on the teaching of writing, teacher training, and program administration. Both Tracy and Whitney have presented extensively at local, regional, national, and international events, and they enjoy meeting fellow teachers from around the world.

This presentation will be held online via Zoom. Contact us for the Zoom link.

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