The Challenges Involved in Creating Online Tests

Robert Courchêne
6 November, 2008 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

This workshop focuses on the development of an online speaking and writing test by teacher/researchers from the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute at the University of Ottawa. Topics discussed in the workshop will include: development of a testing protocol, materials design, preparation of online and face-to-face interview formats, pilot testing of the speaking and writing tests, data analysis and of protocols, development of a computer software program for the online tests, field testing, working model. Presentation of sample tests, discussion of challenges, technical problems and proposed solutions.

Dr. Robert Courchêne, former Acting Director of the University of Ottawa, Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, is currently President of Ontario TESL.

Change of Venue: This month's meeting will be in WelTobata, near Tobata Station in Kitakyushu. WelTobata is right next to Tobata station—turn left from the main entrance (opposite direction from Saty), pass the police station, and go up the stairs. The meeting is on the 8th floor.

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