Learn through ENIE (English Newspaper in Education)

Toshihiro Yamanishi
13 June, 2009 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

I would say that I have not taught English but taught through English. Through this session I would like to share with the participants various merits of ENIE: English Newspaper in Education. Many kinds of activities of ENIE will be introduced.
これまでの英語教育の真髄として、私は「英語『を』教える」のではなく、「英語『で』教える」(英語を用いて、教養として物事を教える)事を中心に据えて参りました。今回のテーマは『学校現場で活用できる英字新聞を活用した時事内容(English Newspaper in Education)』と題して、文字通り『ENIE』の効用を皆様と共に考えていきたいと思います。これまでの実践歴を紹介しつつ、最新実践などもご紹介できればと思います。
Originally from Hokkaido, Toshihiro Yamanishi received his master’s degree from Heidelberg University. He has taught English at both public and private high schools, as well as at the tertiary level. He is currently an associate professor at Okayama University. His research areas vary from TESOL, Testing, and Lexicography to ENIE. Yamanishi is the author of several bilingual dictionaries and textbooks for Japanese students.
1964年生まれ。北海道出身。ハイデルベルグ大学院修了(MA)。高等学校教諭、国立高専、私立大学准教授を経て、岡山大学准教授。専門は英語教育学・辞書学・Testing・ENIE・教材開発論など。主な著書に「GENIUS英和大辞典・同 和英辞典(第2版)(大修館書店)・LONGMAN WORDPOWER英英和辞典(増進会出版社)・大学入試問題正解(旺文社)・大学入試問題(赤本)(教学社)・PROGRESS 21 Book 1 (EDEC) ・ TREASURE Book1(増進会出版社)」他 計 学術書19冊・一般書23冊、種類。

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