FAB3: First Annual Brain Days

Curtis Kelly, Marc Helgesen, Tim Murphey, and Robert S. Murphy, Others
14 July, 2012 - 12:00am to 12:00am

Neuroscience has much to offer the field of ELT, and FAB3 is on the forefront of this exciting new wave. We are witnessing the emergence of an exciting new field called Mind, Brain, and ELT.
What can Neuroscience teach EFL teachers? This question is explored annually at FAB events in different cities across Japan. There will be four featured speaker sessions this year, along with vetted presentations, Pecha Kuchas, and Poster Sessions. Content will link neuroscientific research with theory and practical pedagogy for the teaching of EFL at the international level. Exciting times are upon us. We hope you will join us on this new voyage.
This event will be taking place at The University of Kitakyushu. See the attached PDF for the full three-day schedule, or the FAB3 website for more details: http://fab-efl.com/index.html

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