Testing Interactional Speaking - A workshop

Alun Roger
13 April, 2013 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

First, I shall summarise the theory and administration behind a group “small-talk” type test that targets an often under-represented facet of speaking assessments – interactional language. Participants will then view video samples of the test to A) experience the test, B) experience being a rater and C) discuss their own internal constructs of the speaking skill and how they may differ from others. This discussion will be critical in allowing participants to debate the characteristics of interactional language so that they may better adapt the test to their educational contexts.
Alun Roger has taught English in Japan for 9 years with 6.5 of those years at universities. His research interests include speaking skills, TEVAL and Rasch measurement. Alun is currently involved in a project to validate an English-Japanese vocabulary size test.

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