Love That Dog: Making a Difference with Multimedia

Linda K. Kadota
9 February, 2013 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Inspired by Sharon Creech's Love That Dog, this presentation introduces ways to utilize multimedia in classroom activities to add color and fun to reading lessons. Multimedia elements (text, sound, video, animation, and graphics) are combined in ways that hold students’ attention by stimulating multiple senses simultaneously. They are powerful tools to help students build analytical reading and writing skills, as well as confidence in their own abilities. Multimedia can make a difference when teaching poetry.
Linda K. Kadota works at Matsuyama Shinonome College, and is from the US. Born in Utah, she grew up in Oregon, Idaho, and California. She has moved 29 times in her life, and has now lived in Matsuyama longer than anywhere else. She has been teaching in Japan for nearly 30 years.
The meeting will be held in room 121 at Wel-Tobata, see the location page for access details.

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