EFL Conversation Tests

Adam Stone
11 March, 2017 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Many English Teachers will encounter a conversation or speaking evaluation test at some stage in their career. These may be for placement of students in a course, for needs analysis, or assessment for the students’ grades. While all tests need to be as valid and reliable as possible, for the teachers carrying them out, they also need to be practical and manageable.
This presentation will take the form of a mini workshop, and will encourage the participants to explore two ways to assess the students conversation skills as fairly as possible within their own time and resource constraints. It will also give an opportunity for participants to share their own experiences and hopefully try some new ideas.
Adam Stone is currently teaching English at Kyushu Sangyo University and at Kyushu Sangyo High School. In 2001 he graduated from Auckland university in New Zealand with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. In 2016, he completed a Master of Applied Linguistics at Massey University in New Zealand.

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