Inside a Fluency-focused English Classroom

José Domingo Cruz
8 September, 2018 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

All teachers want their students to achieve higher levels of fluency, but how to teach it, and which classrooms methods actually work? The presenter has been teaching fluency-based speaking classes for over 20 years, and will share his methods and theories to get students to speak faster and to say more. In addition to a basic description of the essentials of his teaching techniques, he will demonstrate some classroom activities, one called “One Idea, One Breath” (OIOB) which is aimed at fluency improvement, and the other, “Disagreements”. Time permitting, there will also be an introduction to his Authentic Listening / fluency practice website, GOLDFish -
José Domingo Cruz works on several English study projects, including his newest venture, “GOLDFish”. Cruz is from Canada, and is a veteran university instructor and Japan resident, specializing in fluency instruction.

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