Getting More Out of Peer Feedback

Zack Robertson
5 November, 2022 - 6:15pm to 7:45pm

Peer feedback activities (also known as “peer assessment” or “peer review”) are popular among teachers for facilitating student interaction and task engagement while simultaneously offering students formative assessment opportunities. When implemented properly, they can encourage synthesis of target material as learners attend to specific aspects of quality criterion, as well as deeper processing that has been linked with metacognitive development such as self-regulation, awareness, and evaluative expertise. Additionally, the cooperative aspects of peer feedback have been linked to increased learner enjoyment, resulting in lowered affective resistance toward communicating in the L2.

Many instructors, however, struggle to find ways to effectively conduct these activities while balancing the myriad of competing demands their job entails. This presentation will provide attendees with a review of the theoretical underpinnings of peer feedback, an examination of environmental factors that influence peer feedback efficacy, and an overview of an exploratory study conducted by the presenter into what learners actually take away from the activity. A set of basic guidelines will then be introduced that teachers can use to adapt peer feedback activities to better align with their respective teaching contexts. The presentation will conclude by offering attendees the chance to ask questions or share their own ideas/experiences concerning peer feedback activities.

Zack Robertson has been teaching English in the Kitakyushu area for over 17 years, starting in elementary schools as a member of the JET Program before moving to the university level where he has taught at several universities in the Fukuoka/Yamaguchi area. His research interests include peer feedback and English for Academic Purposes. He currently teaches technical communication and academic writing/presentation courses at the Yamaguchi University School of Engineering.

Note: This meeting will be in our regular venue in Kitakyushu. It will not be online. We will also be holding our Chapter AGM / election for next year's officers. This will start approx 30 minutes prior to the presentation. All members are welcome to attend

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